HOMERe is an internship programme based on a well-established network of 24 academic, business and professional organisations present in the Mediterranean region. The 18-month project aims at boosting the mobility of young talented students/graduates from Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia by offering internship opportunities in companies based in France and operating in the target countries. HOMERe is part of the MPF Pilot Projects on Legal Migration seeking to contribute to the delivery of the European Agenda on Migration.
RMEI is a global, non-profit, membership driven organization dedicated to improve engineering and management education in the Mediterranean Area. Recognized globally by UNESCO and major exponents in the Mediterranea, we gather organizations who aim to act with ethics and social responsibilities for a Sustainable World.
With the support of our 150+ members across 23 countries, we act as a catalyst to promote and enhance excellence in science development globally. We are based in Marseille, France, Civitavecchia, Italy, and Sousse, Tunisia.
Our mission and values
With our network of Grandes Ecoles, Universities and other Mediterranean partners, RMEI plays a central role in highlighting the specific advantages of the Mediterranean, shaping global approach to engineer education and provide a unique forum for information, research, networking, and debate on innovation and best practice.
RMEI members firmly believe in bringing institutions together and work to bring concrete solutions for a better world.
Since its establishment in 1997, RMEI has maintained a vision of developing the Mediterranean Basin through networking, scientific and academic cooperation, fostering research and higher education training.
As you are aware, our activities have been slowed down since March 2020 because of the COVID-19 global pandemic. This has greatly affected our personal and professional lives as well as our communication together.
However, the coming new year is showing good potential for better conditions especially after trials for vaccine release.
Together we can compensate for the unusual year by following up on ongoing projects and motivating working groups to establish collaborative research.
Also, we would like to reinforce our ties with our members and listen to one another’s ideas to help each other progress. Moreover, we intend to discuss all your thoughts and recommendations to reach RMEI goals for the growth of our beloved Mediterranean.
We need to increase cooperation, to share experiences and methods between members of the network.
This may be done through:
Continuous training for our students and summer schools
Acting as knowledge provider to stakeholders to bridge the gap between Research, Education and Industry.
Encouraging development in all fields within the Mediterranean such as sustainable and social development and gender equity.
Setting up awards for proposed themes to incentivize universities, students, researchers.
Finally, I’m confident that together we can strengthen our cooperation and overcome the challenges ahead.
TARGET means TAke a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for institutional Transformation. TARGET will contribute to the advancement of gender equality in research and innovation (R&I) by supporting a reflexive gender equality policy in seven Gender Equality Innovating Institutions (GEIIs) in the Mediterranean basin - including research performing organizations (RPOs), research funding organizations (RFOs) and a network of universities.
Anastasia Zabaniotou explains how Target project was a very useful tool in implementing a gender equality strategy at the Mediterranean Network of Engineering Schools (RMEI)
RMEI is involved in this European research program that will benefit from RMEI university network to enlarge the statistical surveys.
The scientific coordinator of the program for RMEI is Pr Anastasia ZABANIOTOU from Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GE). The Legal Entity Administrative Representative (LEAR) is Pr Olivier BOIRON from Ecole Centrale Marseille.
The Gender Equality (GE) is recognized by the board of RMEI as one of the main and challenging objectives of the network for the next coming years. GE is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of UNESCO for the period 2017-2030.