The 4th Institutional Workshop RMEI-TARGET will take place on 25th of March 2020 at the National Engineering School of Sousse-Tunisia. Participants will be the TARGET working group members and Dr. Sonia Bahri Advisor to the president of France for scientific affairs, sustainable development and international cooperation and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Peace Studies Programme at Université Paris Dauphine. Please find attached the Agenda


Congratulation Excellent paper about gender equality, written by Pr. Anastasia Zabaniotou the scientific coordinator of the TARGET H2020 project for RMEI, entitled:

Towards gender equality in Mediterranean Engineering Schools through networking, collaborative learning, synergies and commitment to SDGs-The RMEI approach

ZABANIOTOU publication on TARGET


link in

Product–service systems (PSS) have emerged in the industrial sector as a novel business approach able to augment customer satisfaction and value, while reducing the manufacturers’ costs and improving environmental performances of the product’s life cycle. Such an approach relies on the design and development of solutions merging both the physical characteristics of a product and the immaterial services related to its whole life cycle, contributing to a Circular Economy (CE) and resource-efficient business.

Dear RMEI friends,

Great achievement from the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)

It is our pleasure to inform all RMEI member that the Vice President of the AASTMT for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research on behalf of the President of the AASTMT has approved to formally join to the RMEI Gender Equality Policy Statement and has requested all the faculties to implement the necessary means to enforce its implementation in our Institution.

Best regards

#Chaire : Le Professeur Olivier Boiron  voit sa Chaire Unesco Unitwin 651 "Innovation pour le développement durable" renouvelée pour une durée de 4 ans, gage de l’excellent travail réalisé depuis 2004. ?

Cette Chaire participera à l'animation du Réseau Méditerranéen des Ecoles d’Ingénieurs (RMEI), un exemple réussi de coopération Nord-Sud, mettant en œuvre des programmes et activités conjoints entre 17 pays et 70 établissements d’enseignement supérieur.  

11th International School  Awareness and Responsibility of Environmental Risk

6th Young Researchers’ Round Table International Scientific Conference L’Aquila and Civitavecchia, Italy 23-31 August 2019

Dear members of the network 
Dear collegues and Freinds 
We'd like to inform you that the RMEI supports the organization of the XI edition of the l'Aquila University summer school on Risk management.
We are waiting for your participation.


Voir Brochure

HOMERe Annual conference

This conference received the label of Side-Event of the Sommet des Deux Rives and it will be the Kick-off meeting of the HOMERe program awarded by DG HOME/ICMPD.


Conférence annuelle de HOMERe
Cette conférence est labellisée événement parallèle du Sommet des Deux Rives et elle correspond également au lancement du programme HOMERe sélectionné par la DG HOME/ICMPD.

RMEIM Partners

Water Embassy