
International Symposium and Workshops

07-10 July 2024, Nisyros Island, GreeceRead more ...


International Symposium and Workshops 07-10 July 2024, Nisyros Island, Greece

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The third edition of the network Congress on the accreditation of engineering programs will be held at Oran in Algeria next April 2019.

The organization committee met at the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique d'Oran - MA 28th of October to define the colloquium agenda.

The congress is jointly organized by RMEI, ENPO-MA and the Algerian national accreditation agency CIAQES.

Like the two last editions, MEDAccred is an opportunity given to the graduated engineering schools to take knowledge of the main procedures of international accreditations. The one day and half seminar is also designed to allow exchanges and sharing experiences between the participants and the accreditation agency representants.


The 3rd edition of MEDAccred will be held at the National Polytechnic School of Oran - Maurice Audin in ORAN (DZ) on 24-25 April 2019.

The program will be available soon.

The third edition of the RMEI symposium on the accreditation of engineering courses will be held at the National Polytechnic School of Oran - Maurice Audin at ORAN (DZ) on 24-25 April 2019. The organizing committee met in Oran on 28/10/2018 to stop the conference program.

The symposium is organized by RMEI, ENPO-MA and the Algerian National Accreditation Agency CIAQES.

As for the last two editions the conference is an opportunity given to members wishing to enroll their training in an accreditation process to meet the main international accreditation agencies.


MEDAccred 3 organization committee

Pr M. Senouci ENPO-MA Président

Pr A. Benziane CRUO


Pr H. Bouabdesselam ENPO-MA

Mme F. Lahoufi ENPO-MA

Pr O. Boiron RMEI

Pr A. Ben Cheikh Larbi RMEI

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