[TARGET] Survey

[TARGET] Survey


Sondages - Gender equality Survey for RMEI H2020 TARGET programme

Gender equality Survey for RMEI H2020 TARGET programme

RMEI TARGET survey TARGET means "TAking a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for institutional Transformation". This program aims to study the situation of gender equality in higher education and research and to develop strategies and policies to improve the situation if necessary.
Dear RMEI colleagues, the network participates in a European Horizon 2020 research program on gender equality. The latter, in connection with UNESCO's sustainable development objectives, is a major issue in our schools and faculties for both our students and our administrative or academic colleagues. We invite you to participate in a survey that will provide consolidated data on the current situation and thus allow, after analysis, to develop diagnostics and development strategies/policies. Although the survey is nominative, subsequent treatments will be anonymised, in accordance with the laws in force in Europe on this subject. The results of the survey will be presented at the next general meeting and will be displayed on the RMEI website. Important: To answer the survey you will need to know the answers to many questions about gender equality in your institution. You can download a document summarizing these questions and prepare yourself or your collaborators to answer them. https://perso.centrale-marseille.fr/~oboiron/visible/RMEI_survey.docx We thank you in advance for your participation Prof. Anastasia Zabaniotou, board member of RMEI and Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Pr Olivier Boiron, General Delegate of RMEI and Professor at Ecole Centrale Marseille.

There are 20 questions in this survey

Part 1 Informations about your university

Please give some informations about the university

[]Name of your University / Institution *

Please write your answer(s) here:

  • Name of your institution
  • Your country
  • Your city
Name of your institution !!

[]General information: *

Please write your answer(s) here:

  • Your name:
  • Your position in the university / institution:
  • Your email address:
  • Your phone number:

[]Are you a female or a male? *

Please choose only one of the following:

  • Female
  • Male

Part 2 Gender related data of your institution

Please provide some statistic data regarding gender situation in your institution


If possible please provide some statistics regarding percentages of females at different levels and for different categories of human resources at your university:

IMPORTANT: If no data are available, please enter 9999 in place of the right number !

Please write your answer(s) here:

  • Number of total persons in the top academic leadership team, president or rector (level 1):
  • Number of women in the top academic leadership team:
  • Number of total Vice-rectors (or equivalent e.g. level 2):
  • Number of female Vice-rectors:
  • % of women at academic management level 3 (deans):
  • % of women at academic management level 4 (department heads):
If no data are available please enter 9999 in place of the right number !


If possible please provide some statistics regarding percentages of females at different levels and for different categories of human resources at your university:

IMPORTANT: If no data are available, please enter 9999 in place of the right number !


Please write your answer(s) here:

  • Number of total persons at the top administrative level (general scretaries or level 1):
  • Number of women at the top administrative level (level 1):
  • Number of total administrative directors (financial, educational, mobility and international relations, research, ... or level 2):
  • Number of female directors (level 2) :
  • % of female employees below level 2:
If no data are available please enter 9999 in place of the right number !

[]Scientific staff (as of today): *

Please write your answer(s) here:

  • Number of full professors:
  • % of female full professors:
  • Number of associate professors:
  • % of female associate professors:
  • Number of assistant/lecturers professors:
  • % of female assistant/lecturers professors:
  • Number of other scientific staff:
  • % of female other scientific staff:
If no data are available please enter 9999 in place of the right number !

[]Coordinators/responsables of Research &Innovation projects at your university for 2016/2017: *

Please write your answer(s) here:

  • Number of project(s) or research project(s) responsables or coordinators:
  • % of female responsables or coordinators:
If no data is available please enter 9999 as a result.

[]Students (academic year 2016/2017): *

Please write your answer(s) here:

  • Total number of students:
  • % female students
  • Number of bachelor graduates
  • % of female bachelors graduates:
  • Number of master graduates:
  • % of female master graduates:
  • Number of doctoral/PhD graduates:
  • % of female doctoral/PhD graduates :
If no data is available please enter 9999 as a result.

Part 3 Gender equality plan and activities at your institution

Please describe as better as possible the strategies and activities related to gender equality at your institution

[]How is the topic " Gender Equality" embedded in the organization of your university? *

Choose one of the following answers

Please choose only one of the following:

  • There is a special organizational unit/center/committee focusing on "Gender Equality" There is a special organizational unit/center/committee focusing on "Gender Equality"
  • “Gender Equality“ is dealt with among other issues in a unit with broader responsibilities “Gender Equality“ is dealt with among other issues in a unit with broader responsibilities
  • There is no special organizational unit/center/committee established in my university, but <strong>a single person</strong> is dealing with gender equality only There is no special organizational unit/center/committee established in my university, but a single person is dealing with gender equality only
  • There is no special organizational unit/center/committee established in my university, but <strong>a single person</strong> is dealing with gender equality among other responsibilities There is no special organizational unit/center/committee established in my university, but a single person is dealing with gender equality among other responsibilities
  • There is no special unit/center/committee or person responsible for this topic. There is no special unit/center/committee or person responsible for this topic.
  • Other: Other:

Make a comment on your choice here:


[]Does your university have a "Gender Equality Plan" (or equivalent)? *

Choose one of the following answers

Please choose only one of the following:

  • Yes, there is a Gender Equality Plan. Please provide us with the web link to your plan (or equivalent) in the comment box below. Yes, there is a Gender Equality Plan. Please provide us with the web link to your plan (or equivalent) in the comment box below.
  • No, there is no Gender Equality Plan No, there is no Gender Equality Plan
  • Gender is an integrated part of the university’s human resource strategic plan Gender is an integrated part of the university’s human resource strategic plan
  • There are plans to develop an institutional Gender Equality Plan/Strategy There are plans to develop an institutional Gender Equality Plan/Strategy
  • At the moment Gender Equality is not a priority topic of my university At the moment Gender Equality is not a priority topic of my university

Make a comment on your choice here:


[]Does your organization assess the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan or Strategy? Please specify which measures are used for the assessments. *

Choose one of the following answers

Please choose only one of the following:

  • Yes Yes
  • No No

Make a comment on your choice here:


[]Which of the following activities/practicies were implemented at your university in 2016 and 2017? *

Check all that apply

Please choose all that apply:

  • Specific measures and/or programmes for attracting female students to engineering studies Specific measures and/or programmes for attracting female students to engineering studies
  • Specific recruitment and promotion policies for female researchers Specific recruitment and promotion policies for female researchers
  • Measures, including quotas, to ensure a balanced composition of females and males in your organisation's committees (e.g. involved in recruitment, appointment, career progression, or - if applicable - in evaluation of research programmes or projects) Measures, including quotas, to ensure a balanced composition of females and males in your organisation's committees (e.g. involved in recruitment, appointment, career progression, or - if applicable - in evaluation of research programmes or projects)
  • Flexible career trajectory (e.g. provisions to allow interruptions of career, returning schemes after career interruptions) Flexible career trajectory (e.g. provisions to allow interruptions of career, returning schemes after career interruptions)
  • Work-life-balance measures (e.g. parental leave, flexible working arrangements for researchers) Work-life-balance measures (e.g. parental leave, flexible working arrangements for researchers)
  • Development of gender competence at your university (e.g. specific leadership training, gender/diversity training for top or middle management, mentoring for female researchers) Development of gender competence at your university (e.g. specific leadership training, gender/diversity training for top or middle management, mentoring for female researchers)
  • Are there networks and groups for the development of gender competence for female researchers? Are there networks and groups for the development of gender competence for female researchers?
  • Are there best pratices regarding the development of gender equality within your organisation ? Are there best pratices regarding the development of gender equality within your organisation ?
  • Is there measures against sexual harassment? Is there measures against sexual harassment?
  • None None
  • Other:
Multiple answers possible

[]Does your organisation face barriers when setting up activities/practices/measures in connection with gender issues? *

Please choose only one of the following:

  • Yes Yes
  • No No

[]If your organisation is facing barriers how important are the following barriers to setting up activities in connection with gender issues? Please rate accordingly *

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:
Answer was 'Yes' at question '13 [q8]' (Does your organisation face barriers when setting up activities/practices/measures in connection with gender issues?)

Check all that apply

Please choose all that apply:

  • Barriers Important, somewhat Barriers Important, somewhat
  • Important Important
  • Not important Not important
  • Internal resistance against implementing measures supporting gender equality Internal resistance against implementing measures supporting gender equality
  • Regulations or policies at national or regional level are not specifically supportive of achieving gender equality at universities Regulations or policies at national or regional level are not specifically supportive of achieving gender equality at universities
  • Employment and/or labour law or policy at national or regional level do not allow to take action Employment and/or labour law or policy at national or regional level do not allow to take action
  • Lack of resources for implementing gender equality in science and technology Lack of resources for implementing gender equality in science and technology
  • Other:

[]Is there a requirement for gender diversity in appointment committees? *

Please choose only one of the following:

  • Yes Yes
  • No No

[]If yes, is there a rule for a minimum number or a rate of female members? *

Only answer this question if the following conditions are met:
Answer was 'Yes' at question '15 [q931]' (Is there a requirement for gender diversity in appointment committees?)

Please write your answer(s) here:

  • Minimum number:
  • Minimum quota (%)
If no data are available please enter 9999 in place of the right number !

[]Are there requirements for gender equality in committees' structure (promotion/evaluation/recruitment..)? *

Please choose only one of the following:

  • Yes Yes
  • No No

[]Which three specific "Gender Equality" initiatives of your university would you define of examples of best practices at your university? *

Comment only when you choose an answer.

Please choose all that apply and provide a comment:

  • None initiative None initiative
  • First initiative First initiative
  • Second initiativeSecond initiative
  • Third initiativeThird initiative

Part 4 Perspectives and comments

Describe your perspectives and give your comments

[]What are the next steps at your université regarding "Gender Equality"?

Please write your answer here:


[]Any other comments:

Please write your answer here:


Thank you for your participation!!!
28/02/2019 – 00:00

Submit your survey.
Thank you for completing this survey.

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