General Assembly 2018

General Assembly 2018

RMEI GENERAL ASSEMBLY Marrakech, April 28th 2018

Dear colleague,

On behalf the RMEI board and the organizers I'm pleased to send to you the agenda of our next general meeting. The meeting, jointly organized by the Private University of Marrakech and the Académie Internationale Mohamed VI de l'Aviation Civile,  will take place at Marrakech the 28th of april at the Private University of Marrakech campus.
We hope to welcome you at this important event in the life of our network. Activity and financial reports will be soon available on our website:

IMPORTANT : You're kindly invited to confirm your presence by sending an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., otherwise, please use the proxy form joined at the agenda.

Please note also that just before the GA, 26 and 27 april, at the same place (Private Univ. of Marrakech), we will organise the second edition of our congress on Accreditation of engineering training programme. All the relevant informations for this event are on our website:


Nouveau Président du RMEI

Mara Lombardi


RMEI General Assembly agenda

RMEI 2017 General Report

HOMERe 2017 report

Marseille Seminar on Mediterranean dialogue 2017 report 

Marseille Seminar on Mediterranean dialogue 2017 report 2

Hammamet 2017 seminar on accreditation report



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