Empowering Women in Higher Education: Pathways for Prosperity

Empowering Women in Higher Education: Pathways for Prosperity

RMEIM participates in the celebrations of the World Education Day as part of the work of the Francophonie Alliance of Universities for Equality between Men and Women.

Within the framework of the United Nations General Assembly declaring January 24th of each year as a World Education Day, the president of the RMEIM, Dr. Fatma ASHOUR, participates on Monday, January 24, 2022 in a scientific event via the Teams app on the link (https://urlz.fr/eIsf), and organized by the Center for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning, and within the work of the Francophonie Alliance of Universities for Equality between Men and Women. The celebration is held under the title: “Empowering Women in Higher Education: Pathways for Prosperity”It deals with the role of women in higher education and how to include sustainable development goals in the educational process, especially the fifth goal on equality between men and women.It is worth noting that this celebration comes within the coalition's business plan, which will be announced soon and implemented during 2022, and experts from Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, and France will participate. This event is part of the global celebrations announced by UNESCO via the Internet through the link: https://festival.learning-planet.org/fr/jan-24-enWhich the world witnesses and is held under the slogan: "Changing Course, Transforming Education".More information about the speakers is in the attachments: To register: https://urlz.fr/hbpj

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