TARGET Horizon 2020

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TARGET means TAke a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for institutional Transformation. TARGET will contribute to the advancement of gender equality in research and innovation (R&I) by supporting a reflexive gender equality policy in seven Gender Equality Innovating Institutions (GEIIs) in the Mediterranean basin - including research performing organizations (RPOs), research funding organizations (RFOs) and a network of universities.


Anastasia Zabaniotou explains how Target project was a very useful tool in implementing a gender equality strategy at the Mediterranean Network of Engineering Schools (RMEI)

RMEI is involved in this European research program that will benefit from RMEI university network to enlarge the statistical surveys.

The scientific coordinator of the program for RMEI is Pr Anastasia ZABANIOTOU from Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GE). The Legal Entity Administrative Representative (LEAR) is Pr Olivier BOIRON from Ecole Centrale Marseille.


The Gender Equality (GE) is recognized by the board of RMEI as one of the main and challenging objectives of the network for the next coming years. GE is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of UNESCO for the period 2017-2030.


This project  has  received    funding    from the    European    Union’s Horizon    2020 research    and    innovation    programme under    grant agreement No741672 : TARGET - Taking a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for institutional Transformation.

If you want to know more about the activities foreseen in target, have a look at Target Work packages description: Work packages overview

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