Call for ABSTRACT - VII CUCS Congress Naples 2022 "University Cooperation in the New Challenges for Sustainable Development" - (April 21-23, 2022)

Dear Collegues,

sending our best wishes for a Happy 2022, we are pleased to announce that our proposal for a thematic session at the VII CUCS Congress Naples 2022 "University Cooperation in the New Challenges for Sustainable Development" (April 21-23, 2022), entitled "Culture, fourth dimension of Sustainability" - proposal by Politecnico di Milano and Sapienza Univeristy of Rome - has been accepted (see attached file).

Thankful for your attention, we would like to invite you to submit an abstract, filling in the attached form and sending it to Susanna Bortolotto ( ) and to CUCS as Cc ( ), so that the organizers can monitor the submissions.

The deadline for the abstract submission is January 29th, 2022. The acceptance will be notified by February 20th.

For more information, please check on the dedicated website

For any other information or doubts, do not hesitate to contact us,

Kind regards,

Susanna Bortolotto,
Politecnico di Milano, DAStU, Italia,

Carlogiovanni Cereti
Sapienza, Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità

Serena Massa,
Politecnico di Milano, DMEC, Italia

Nelly Cattaneo,
Politecnico di Milano, DMEC, Italia